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12 Foods That Always Taste Like Home

No matter how hard we try, we still can't cook as well as Mom and Dad. But that's probably because their secret ingredient is always love — especially in our KRAFT Mac & Cheese.

1. Apple Pie à la Mode

2. Cookies

We always know we've done something right the moment the scent of freshly baked delicious starts wafting up to our rooms.

3. Brownies

4. Cupcakes

5. French Toast

Pops gets up bright and early to churn these things out sweet enough to lose a couple teeth in a sitting.

6. Pancakes

And these are Mom's specialty at every meal: smooth, buttery, and covered in enough syrup for her to serve 'em with a spoon and a joke about soup time.

7. Toad-in-the-Hole

8. Ants on a Log

9. Peanut Butter and Jelly

10. Grilled Cheese

11. Chicken Noodle Soup

12. Fish Sticks

But a warm bowl of KRAFT Mac & Cheese tastes like home all the time.