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15 Frustrated Stock Photo Models Who Just Need A Break

We all need a break sometimes. Have a KitKat™ bar and be right back.

1. This woman whose only solace is a crumpled sheet of paper:

2. This man who definitely has WAY too much money for gas:

3. This couple who had to remind themselves why they were packing all their stuff up:

4. This woman who's just NOT OK with how the stock market is doing:

5. This woman who totally doesn't appreciate being engulfed in flames:

6. This tiny man who CANNOT deal with being pointed at:

7. This woman who's seen the paper jam to end all paper jams:

8. This man who's under attack by a dreaded book snake:

9. This lady who's stuck in the TRAPPINGS OF TIME:

10. This doctor who seems to have a rare disorder of his own:

11. This woman who NEEDS TO BE HEARD, NOW:

12. This man who's perfected the vertical plank:

13. This woman who might just be destroying that alarm clock for stealing her look:

14. This dude who just cares about what's important in life:

15. And this man who's suddenly realized that he's surrounded by stock photo photographers:

We all need a break sometimes. Have a KitKat™ bar and be right back.

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