18 Times Squidward Understood That People Are The Worst

    Hi. I hate everyone.

    1. When he was brutally honest about what it was like to interact with coworkers:

    2. When he knew the only way to deal with seeing someone in public was to ignore them:

    3. When his Friday night plans mirrored yours exactly:

    4. When he was super optimistic about love:

    5. ...Like, seriously very open to the idea:

    6. When he knew that no one makes a better friend than your bed:

    7. When he actually wore his feelings toward other people on his sleeve:

    8. Or when he just straight-up said how he felt:

    9. When he didn't have time for other people's bullshit:

    10. When he made the face we all make when a stranger tries to engage in conversation:

    11. When he summed up how you come off to new people:

    12. When he couldn't handle people who were happy all the time:

    13. When he had no patience for other people's emotions:

    14. When he knew what it felt like to get dragged out by your friends on a Saturday night:

    15. When his patience was limited:

    16. And when he did what we all wish we could do when someone says something painfully dumb:

    17. When he left this sign for any unwanted visitors (so, all visitors).

    18. When he had this very important message for all his haters: