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12 Crucial Thanksgiving Tips For Rookie Hosts

First time hosting? Don't worry! Try Kikkoman's brining recipe for a juicy bird this Thanksgiving!

1. Usually one pound per person is a good rule when deciding your turkey's weight.

This will allow a good amount of turkey per guest, room for seconds, AND sandwiches for later.

2. Prep as much food as possible the week leading up to the big day!

Save fast-cooking veggies like string beans and mushrooms for the day of. But dishes like stuffing, mashed sweet potatoes, and pie crust can be made a few days in advance.

3. Don't feel pressured to make everything from scratch.

4. And only plan to make dishes that you've made before.

5. Make room in your fridge and freezer the day before so you're not cramming.

6. And set the table the night before.

This is such an easy thing to check off your list, and it shouldn't be saved 'til the last minute!

7. Tell guests to arrive 45 minutes before you serve the meal so you can actually enjoy their company.

8. Buy crafts for small children to keep them happy and occupied during dinner.

9. Say yes when people ask to help!

10. Have extra appetizers on hand in case you mess up the timing with the menu.

Let's be real: Not everything will go as planned. Apps will make sure no one is hangry.

11. Set time aside for yourself to de-stress before the guests arrive.

12. Buy extra containers so guests can bring leftovers home.

You don't wanna deprive your guests of post-Thanksgiving sandwiches — that would just be cruel.

Try Kikkoman's easy brining recipe for a juicy turkey this Thanksgiving!