Here's What Lady Gaga's Next Album Should Sound Like, According To Her Little Monsters

    Slay us, Stefi.

    It's been less than two years since Lady Gaga released ARTPOP but, let's be real, it feels like it's been a lot longer.

    We recently asked the Little Monsters in BuzzFeed Community to share what they hope their fave will do on her next album and this what they had to say:

    1. "It needs to be her most vulnerable album to date."

    2. "I hope that Lady Gaga returns to her roots."

    3. "I'm expecting hard-hitting pop."

    4. "I don't want people to have overly high expectations for her again."

    5. "I want Lady Gaga to record an rock album."

    6. "I expect lots of leather and sledgehammer, bone-crushing beats."

    7. "Lady Gaga needs to do ARTPOP again, but bigger, better and more dramatic."

    But, really, at this point, we'd probably settle for anything.