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Asher Levine Wants To Make Sure You Never Lose Your Gloves Again

The menswear designer has a plan to install GPS technology into your clothing so you never lose a hat or scarf in a cab again.

The Asher Levine fashion show got off to a rocky start. First the open bar ran out of ice, then the complicated non-traditional seating assignments led to a near riot. But things got interesting when a man walked onto the stage and announce that after the runway show there would be a technology demonstration.

The collection is a mix of highly wearable coats and blazers and fantastical pieces like a jacket with protruding angel wings. Levine, only 24, has had his designs worn by Lady Gaga, the Black Eyed Peas. His last collection included pieces that used the Makerbot 3-D printing.

The techology element is a small dog-tag sized device that is slipped into a piece of luggage, gloves, or other clothing that tracks with GPS through an app on your smartphone. If your coat or gloves gets more than 30 feet away from you, your phone starts beeping.

The Tracker app, made by Phone Halo, is already available for purchase for things like keychains and other valuables. However, the small chip that Phone Halo offers is nowhere near as stylish as Levine's. And of course, you want your GPS chip to match your bag, right?

Stick this in your bag and never lose it at the airport

And obviously if you had these to warm your hands you wouldn't want to misplace them either.