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Psychics Or Psychosis?

The psychic industry has been steadily on the rise over the last ten yrs. The advent of the internet has enabled it to grow exponentially, with hundreds of sites now devoted to people claiming psychic powers and willing to tell you the future for anything up to £5 per minute. With readily available studies done by James Randi, Derren Brown et al debunking the cold reading process and televised accounts of "household name" psychics faking their powers, how is it that we are still willing to part with thousands of pounds per year being lied to? Cold Comfort aims to explore the (often dysfunctional) relationship between psychics and their clients. Schizophrenia is a serious mental illness in which sufferers often believing they can hear voices and communicate with beings on different planes of reality. Professional psychics also claim similar abilities but are accepted as having 'special powers'. Take our quiz and see if you can spot which statements are from diagnosed schizophrenics and which are from professional psychics.

kated51 10 years ago

Psychic or Schizophrenic?

Schizophrenia is a debilitating mental illness in which sufferers often believe they can communicate with beings on other planes of existence and can hear the thoughts of others. Many professional psychics claim the same. Take our quiz and see if you can tell which statements are from people with schizophrenia and which are from professional psychics.

kated51 10 years ago

Psychic or Psychosis?

Schizophrenia is a severe mental illness in which sufferers often believe they can hear the thoughts of others or communicate with beings on other planes of existence. Many professional psychics claim similar powers. Take our quiz and see if you can spot the statements of schizophrenics from the writings of professional psychics.

kated51 10 years ago