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A Song About Boobies

"Get up on these breasts!" The most awesome synth pop song ever. The most surprising thing is that it isn't sung by a drag queen. (SFW)

Kat 13 years ago

Why the F*** Do You Have a Kid?

A site devoted to celebrating people who are able to procreate, even though they might not necessarily have the brains to raise a child.

Kat 14 years ago

IPhone Recession Case

Times are tough. What to do when you need a case? This beauty is made with flammable stiff recycled cardboard and available for only 99 cents! Can be personalized with a marker.

Kat 14 years ago

The Columbine of Sexting

Horny high school boys, beware! GQ did a fascinating article about a Milwaukee teen who impersonated a female teenager on facebook and got 31 male students to send nude photos of themselves. Many of the victims were popular jocks who had taunted him for being gay, then ended up agreeing to anal sex to salvage their reputations. He is facing 12 felonies and a possible 293 years in prison.

Kat 14 years ago

Twelve Amazing Shipping Container Houses

These kind of remind me of treehouses. Only on land, ultramodern and definitely more chic.

Kat 14 years ago

A Cardboard Crib for $255

If you are a hipster parent about to procreate this often creates a challenge. How do you provide furniture for your baby to sleep in while still appealing to modern, eclectic tastes? This is an actual product, btw.

Kat 14 years ago

Weight Watcher's Recipe Cards from 1974

These days when people want to lose weight, "diet food" is seen as fresh, healthy and low calorie. Back in 1974 I suppose the goal was to make the most unappetizing dish possible so as to induce vomiting before the meal had even begun. You don't really want to eat, now do you?

Kat 14 years ago

Kara DioGuardi Says Adam Lambert Was Always 'Out'

If you are speculating on when it's the right time to come out and say you're gay, there's nothing like some dimwit who wants to share the attention and do it for you. In a taped interview for "The View" which will play Friday, Kara said, "I don't think that Adam was ever in [the closet], I think he was always openly out."

Kat 14 years ago


A creative method for showing the passing of time, with artsy hypnotic music and lots of Japanese girls dancing. The next time I am waiting for something to come out of the microwave, I'm totally putting this on. From Japanese clothing retailer Uniqlo. Why doesn't the Gap do something like this?

Kat 14 years ago

100 Years Old and Smoking

This woman is basically giving the finger to the whole anti-smoking special interests thing. Personally I smoked for many years and quit successfully... but I still think the movement has gone a bit too far. There's lots of other stuff that kills us, like those 1300 calorie bread bowl pasta dishes from Dominos, posted on Buzzfeed earlier.

Kat 15 years ago

Kiss the (Swine Flu) Pig

Seems like letting your child give an open mouthed full tongue kiss to a pig is a bad idea, even without the whole swine flu epidemic.

Kat 15 years ago

Searching "Homosexuality" On

The top result is now a book titled "A Parent's Guide to Preventing Homosexuality". Rest of the results include "You Don't Have to be Gay" and "Can Homosexuality be Healed?" A major shitstorm brewing for Amazon, methinks.

Kat 15 years ago

Willy Warmers

Apparently there is a fetish for everything.

Kat 15 years ago

Angry Beer Men Video

Perhaps the most German thing I've ever seen.

Kat 15 years ago

Wii Guys from SNL

In case you missed Alec Baldwin on SNL, this was the best skit ever. Also the real reason why guys are fascinated with the Wii.

Kat 15 years ago

The Twitter Status Generator

Have writer's block and need to update your twitter or facebook status? This site will create a vague and mysterious line to make you sound smart. Interestingly I think I've read a few before, or maybe all the pretentious posts I've seen are just getting muddled.

Kat 15 years ago