Fox Sports Host Asks To Not Boycott The NFL

    Why the Ray Rice situation is an opportunity for women in the sports industry to speak up.

    Katie Nolan is host of her own YouTube sports and pop culture show through Fox Sports.

    A boycott of the NFL is impractical and would remove the critical thinkers from the conversation, she says.

    “A boycott means walking away,” she says. “I would rather fight back.”

    She states:

    Women in sports television are allowed to read headlines, patrol sidelines, and generally facilitate conversation for their male colleagues. Sometimes, they even let us monitor the internet from a couch.

    And while the Stephen A. Smiths, Mike Francesas, Dan Patricks, and Keith Olbermanns of the world get to weigh in on the issues of the day, we just smile and throw to commercial.

    "Because, the truth is, the NFL will never respect women and their opinions as long as the media it answers to doesn't."

    Watch her full segment below.

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