The First Day Of School, According To Cute Guinea Pigs

    "I can't do this. I really cannot do this."

    So the first day of school comes and you're already like...

    You try to get out of going any way you can.

    Finally, you sharpen your pencils...

    ...and pack up your backpack.

    You're having a bad hair day, but it's nothing a hat can't solve.

    Meanwhile, all the girls show up looking completely fabulous.

    You swear you're gonna be extremely organized this year...

    ...but you know by next week you'll be a mess.

    Then you find out you have free period with your best friend.

    And you realize your crush's locker is right next to yours.

    You have that one teacher who you know is going to be the absolute coolest...

    ...and that other teacher who is strictly business.

    You start planning which route to take to class so you can see your crush in the hallway.

    Gym class rolls around and you're all like...

    All of the cool seniors are peeling out of the parking lot in their awesome cars...

    ...and you're just walking home alone.

    It's only the first day, but you still have a ton of work to do.

    All that homework is kind of a bummer...

    ...but you already know after the first day that you and your best friend are gonna kill it this year.

    LET'S DO IT!