This Is What It's Like To Have A Robot For A Roommate

    Rudest astromech droid in the galaxy.

    This week, a little droid named Artoo moved into my home...and I thought it would be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

    As a professional Star Wars nerd, I made sure to wear my Wookiee hoodie so Artoo would feel right at home when he arrived.

    Our initial meeting went a little different than I'd anticipated.

    And I soon realized I'd just opened the doors of my home to the rudest astromech droid in the galaxy.

    He stole all of the damn wine.

    He raged like no droid has ever raged before.

    He slept in my bed and refused to share any of the covers.

    The turning point came when he ate every last Hot Pocket in my home.

    And when I finally tried to open up to him about my personal life, he decided to make a damn mockery of me.

    He charged several hundred dollars to my cable account due to his strange affinity for actor Alan Rickman.

    He woke me up at ungodly hours and forced me to dance to the cantina song with him.

    Alan Rickman continued to take over my world with each passing day.

    Artoo claims I was asking for it because I kept making bad Star Wars jokes, but what did he expect?!?

    Artooie eventually let the Wookiee win and accepted me into his inner droid circle.

    He even learned how to share the covers and didn't mind when I drooled on him a bit. What a generous droid.

    Now he holds my ice cream cone, and I let him beep boop his lil' heart out whenever he desires.

    I guess you could say he is......the droid I've been looking for.