21 Things That Happen When You're Training Your Dog

    Training a dog isn't easy work!

    1. You'll experience a lot more pee and poop than you ever expected.

    2. At first, your dog completely disagrees with crate training...

    3. ...but eventually, your lil bud learns to love having his own space!

    4. Obedience training will be a little confusing for your pup...

    5. ...but with a lot of patience and praise...

    6. ..he'll start to get the hang of things!

    7. That is, until he hits his "adolescent" stage and you feel like you have to start all over again.

    8. This is when he discovers the world is full of adventures just for him, and he doesn't have to come when he's called.

    9. You'll start telling people, "I swear he listens to me when nobody else is around!"

    10. He'll get into things he's not supposed to.

    11. Your couch might take some hits...

    12. ...and maybe your shoes, too.

    13. Leash training can be a serious struggle.


    15. "Down/stay" becomes your most repeated phrase.

    16. For a while, greetings may look a little like this.

    17. You get EXTREMELY excited when your pup learns a new trick...

    18. ...and you show ANYONE who will watch.


    19. So even though things will be a little crazy along the way...

    20. ...in the end, all of that hard work and patience will pay off!