This Avid Reader Makes Gorgeous 3D Art Out Of Abandoned Books

    There's more than one way to enjoy a book.

    Artist Isobelle Ouzman makes intricate 3D art, rescuing abandoned or unloved books and transforming them into something beautiful.

    She uses old ones friends give her and abandoned works she finds while walking around Seattle.

    She's done 10 pieces since starting about a year ago, using glue, an X-Acto knife, fine-point pens, and watercolors.

    The 22-year-old describes herself as shy and said that as a kid, books were her escape.

    Ouzman said she's inspired to create worlds based on her dreams.

    "What one person sees as something that's garbage, it can be turned into something magical," she said. "I'm really into fairytales and creating things that people don't see."

    H/T Daily of the Day