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Women Are Fighting Boob Censorship By Photoshopping Themselves With Male Nipples

Nipples are nipples?

Women who are tired of having their topless photos removed from social media have begun using male nipples to cover up their breasts.

The idea was originally created by artist Micol Hebron.

Hebron first posted the image last June, in protest of Facebook and Instagram's anti-female nipple policies.

Hebron was frustrated with the way female nipples were hypersexualized while male nipples seem to be completely permissible.

But since then, her original image has gone viral, and women have been affixing her "male" nipple to their photos.

Like this:

And this:

It seems to work pretty well.

Can you tell the difference?

Hebron's nipple design is just the latest nipply Instagram and Facebook protest. The radical Ukranian feminist group Femen launched a topless protest.

And the Free The Nipple movement encourages women to go topless to desexualize women's breasts.

Miley Cyrus has been a big proponent of the campaign.

And Rumer Willis, too.

Instagram says that "currently we don't allow nudity on Instagram."

Facebook similarly restricts nipples.

But until the policies change, these male nipples might have to do.