This Website Will Tell You If Your Favorite Bands Are Emo Or Not

    Let the fighting and crying commence.

    Ever get in one of these convos before? Debating what bands are emo and what bands aren't?

    Well now there's a ~helpful~ website to guide you to a definitive answer.

    Started by the folks behind WashedUpEmo, Is This Band Emo? will tell you if your fave bands are emo, if you care about that kind of thing.

    Of course, it depends on what you consider EMO. Like if you were a sentient emo person in the '90s then you understand that this is true:

    And that this is also true. Sorry Fall Out Boy fans.

    Dashboard is definitely emo AF.

    Hi. HI. HELLO.

    But nah, Something Corporate.

    Too bad, William Tell.

    These guys?

    Wah wah Gerard Way.

    Literally everyone/everything is in there, so you could waste half your day on this thing.