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    This Chart Shows How People With The Same BMI Can Look Different

    BMI ain't nothin' but a number?

    So you've heard of this thing called BMI, right?

    BMI, or body mass index, is a way of determining your "body mass" based on how tall you are.

    To find your BMI, you could use this equation:

    BMI results are classified into four categories: underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obese.

    If your BMI is below 18.5, you're considered underweight. Between 18.5–24.9, you're considered to have a normal or healthy weight. Between 25.0–29.9 is considered overweight, and 30 and above is considered obese.

    It can drive you crazy if you let it.

    But here's the thing, people with the same BMI can look VERY, VERY DIFFERENT.

    For example, here's a model designed by Body Labs of six different women's bodies with the same BMI.

    Look closely. They might appear different, but each body is 5 foot 7, weighs 145 pounds, and has a BMI of 22.8.

    Yet they all look pretty different, don't they?

    That's because BMI doesn't actually take the percentage of your fat and muscle tissues into account — and that's (partially) what's responsible for the way you look. So one person's 22.8 BMI might look very different than another's.

    Just like the number on the scale, your BMI isn't necessarily any indication that you look a certain way.