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    36 Pictures Of People Living Their Best Onesie Lives

    Living that lazy life, y'all.

    Ah, Second Annual World Onesie Day.

    ’Tis the season for onesies.

    This squad went from onesie to many.

    So did this crew!

    These guys took it to the streets.

    This slothy onesie brought a lil' friend.

    These two showed off their fantastic coordination.

    This lady wore the most delicious onesie.

    This minion made the most of it.

    These three got festive.

    This lady shared her onesie with wine.

    Welp, there were a couple of dinosaurs.

    Mom and babe made things match.

    This guy is t.c.o.b. in his onesie.

    How these guys did not eat the pizza onesie, I do not know.

    Some got sultry.

    Others let their animal side show.

    And this guy broke out his serenading skills.

    These guys were all different but special.

    This one onesied from Japan.

    The onesie love was strong.

    There were formal, fancy ~fashion~ onesies.

    A gaggle of unicorns.

    Cozy winter wonder-onesies.

    And quite a few superheroes fighting crime.

    Some people let out their inner animal.

    Swag was in full effect.

    Ninja Turtles were on the prowl.

    And some took the day v. v. seriously.

    Look at these stone-cold bosses.

    Things got real.

    The Force was with us.

    Pssssst... These are not the Wookiees you're looking for.

    Some went for the layered look.

    But no matter the style...

    Onesies ruled in comfort over all.