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    Laverne Cox's #TransIsBeautiful Hashtag Will Give You New Life

    The Orange Is The New Black star wants to "celebrate all those things that make trans folks uniquely trans."

    Laverne Cox is a bonafide goddess and wonderful human.

    Want proof? Just head to her Tumblr page, where she wrote this amazing entry about Caitlyn Jenner's recent Vanity Fair cover.

    "What I think they meant is that in certain lighting, at certain angles I am able to embody certain cisnormative beauty standards," she wrote.

    As Cox noted in a recent Bust magazine interview, she's chosen a "high femme" presentation and she's happy with it.

    But! Not everyone chooses to evoke such traditional beauty standards, which is why Cox launched the #TransIsBeautiful hashtag.

    The aim of the hashtag is to offer "diverse media representations of trans folks to multiply trans narratives in the media and depict our beautiful diversities."

    The #TransIsBeautiful movement is vital, says Cox, because "Most trans folks don’t have the privileges Caitlyn [Jenner] and I have now have."

    "It is those trans folks we must continue to lift up, get them access to healthcare, jobs, housing, safe streets, safe schools and homes for our young people.

    "For me it is necessary everyday to celebrate every aspect of myself," writes Cox, "especially those things about myself that don’t align with other people’s ideas about what is beautiful."

    Right on, Laverne!