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H&M Just Hired Its First Hijab-Wearing Model And She's Awesome

Mariah Idrissi is giving us serious "yaaass queen" vibes.

This is Mariah Idrissi. She's one of the gorgeous new models featured in H&M's latest campaign.

She's the first-ever hijab-wearing model featured by the brand.

The 23-year-old London native was discovered by the Swedish brand after her casting-director friend Coralie scouted her.

Being cast in such a big campaign "means a lot," Idrissi told BuzzFeed Life. "H&M is such a huge retailer, and to finally have someone Muslim in hijab representing the brand is amazing to show."

Idriss told Fusion that H&M went to great lengths to make her comfortable on set.

She's also included in H&M's "Close the Loop" video, which aims to encourage people to recycle their clothes.

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The ad also includes a model with an amputation, plus-size models, and a group of Sikh men.

Why is it so cool that Idrissi is included in H&M's shoot? "I think it's important to use women in hijab because Islam is the second largest religion in the world," she told BuzzFeed Life.

Which is why it's pretty great, said Idrissi, to see "covered women in the mainstream fashion world."