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    Here's What Women Worked Out In Over The Past 100 Years

    Working on my fitness like whoa.

    Mode teamed up with Casey Ho of Blogilates to show off what 100 years of workout wear looks like. These are not your mama's spandex running shorts.

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    Could you even imagine trying to get your fitness on in a wool skirt and long blouse? IMPOSSIBLE.

    At least by the 1920s, women were able to work out in pants, a vast improvement over heavy skirts.

    In the '30s, women wore one-piece jumpsuits, and the emphasis was on slimming exercises.

    By the '40s, cute short sets were introduced, and women were riding stationary bikes to get their exercise in.

    The '50s was all about culottes and weightlifting, which in retrospect? Seems like a weird combo, yes?

    In the '60s women wore shorts or mini dresses and worked out on slide boards or with resistance machines.

    Leotards came into fashion in the '70s, along with JAZZERCISE.

    The '80s kicked our fitness obsession into high gear, with leotards being paired with sweats and hightops. How do you like your aerobics?

    Maybe you (or your mom) owned something like this in the '90s?

    The 2000s was all about the yoga pant.

    And now? Well, it's a little bit of everything.

    Watch the whole "100 Years of Workout Style" video to get the scoop on everything women wore.

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