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    T.J. Maxx Pulls Noose Tee After Cries That It Promotes Lynching And Suicide

    Surf company Tavik's tee was pulled from several retailers after customers complained that the shirt was both racist and insensitive to victims of suicide.

    Yesterday, Twitter user @PsychoGF_ posted a photo of a tee she found at her local TJ Maxx in Kissamee, Florida.

    It is absolutely sickening that @tjmaxx thinks it's okay to sell a shirt like this.

    Her tweet blew up, and she was contacted by TJ Maxx who asked where the shirt, made by California surf brand Tavik, was spotted.

    In response, T.J. Maxx removed the shirt from its shelves.

    @PsychoGF_ We would like to make certain this is addressed. What store location did you see this shirt at?

    But that wasn't before Twitter users caught wind of the shirt controversy. Some were offended by the shirt's references to suicide.

    @foreverjustus @tjmaxx have someone close to commit suicide by hanging themselves and then you'd understand.

    @ReignOfApril @tavik "We're not racist, we're just pro-suicide, we swear!"

    @tavik also what if somebody on your team struggled with thoughts of suicide....just a terrible design all the way around

    While others felt the shirt was making obvious offensive connotations to lynching.

    @tavik It's abhorrent, and you all knew that beforehand. When is a lynching reference, a good idea?

    @tavik Hang loose t-shirt, do u have any other things in your #racism line of t-shirts? A hangman's noose, come on, really? #WhitePrivilege

    @tavik Seriously? With the history of lynching in this country? You're pathetic, and you'll answer to the highest power.

    The tee has already been pulled from some retailers and from Tavik's site.

    Though you can still find it on the website

    Early this morning, Tavik also released an apology via their Twitter page.

    We are deeply sorry to anyone who may have been offended. The shirt is being pulled from stores immediately.

    But some are skeptical.

    My prob w/@tavik right now is: 1) they made the shirt 2) that wasn't an apology 3) shirt wouldn't be removed if we had not said anything