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    Can You Find The Naked Model In These Body Painting Masterpieces?

    Trina Merry's body paintings seamlessly blend naked people into the outside world.

    New York artist Trina Merry makes amazing, immersive body paintings.

    Using non-toxic hypoallergenic paint applied with a brush or airbrush, Merry creates gorgeous temporary landscapes with the human body.

    Merry told BuzzFeed she got into body painting eight years ago.

    In her latest series, she studied the varied landscape of New York City.

    "My series is an homage, and a challenge, to Big Apple women who feel the need to blend in with everyone else in Gotham," she told BuzzFeed.

    Merry says she's fascinated by the contrast between the feminine energy of women and the masculine power of the city.

    "I think many women move here hoping to live 'Sex and the City' lives when the reality is most women have to ditch their fancy designer heels on the subway for more practical sneakers."

    For more of Trina's body paintings, head to