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    Brand Issues Apology For "Rape Us Now" Black Friday Ad

    Seriously, who thought that was a good idea?

    Last week, fans of the clothing brand SuperGurl were greeted with the following image on the site's homepage.

    Rather than the typical "Shop Now" indication, the Singapore-based retailer advised shoppers to "Rape Us Now" if they were interested in deals.


    Not surprisingly, fans of the brand took to Facebook and Twitter to protest the use of the term "rape" as a marketing ploy.

    SuperGurl's Creative Director Jordus Lim then posted an apology on the site's Facebook page and blog where he blamed the poor word choice on a graphic designer.

    "As the director of the company, I have failed to review my Graphic Designer’s work before approving the image to be displayed on our site," he wrote. "I hereby acknowledge that we have made a mistake, and that our caption does not advocate the right values to the young women community today."

    "This is an honest mistake that we have made on our side, and we do know that it is indefensible," Lim continued. "We hope that the public will accept our apology for what we have done wrong."

    But still:

    @Dazed this went through a whole board of people who thought "yes this is a great idea the use of this word is great" what in the universe

    H/T: Dazed