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    29 Clothing Problems Every Short Girl Has

    #ShortGirlProblems rule everything around me.

    1. Finding the perfect miniskirt is a challenge.

    2. Ditto for maxi skirts and dresses.


    3. You could shop in the kid's section, but that doesn't account for boobs


    4. You could also buy your jeans there, but children's jeans don't really have room for grown lady hips.

    5. When you budget for clothes, you always have to factor in an additional $15 or $30 for tailoring.

    6. You spend years searching for the man of your dreams: A tailor you can trust.

    7. And then if you move, you have to go through the nightmare process all over again.

    8. Shopping online is impossible.

    9. But shopping in most retail stores offers up a different kind of indignity.

    Asking shopkeepers to get things off the top shelf for you.

    10. Everything is oversized, so you look like a kid playing dress up in her mom's clothes.

    11. That goes double for when you actually have to get dressed up.

    12. Sweaters that are, you know, sweater length on others, are dress length on you.

    13. Ditto for oversized tees.

    14. Trends like extra-wide-legged pants?

    15. Midi skirts are totally impossible.

    16. And thigh-high boots? Ha!

    17. Outerwear never fits.

    18. Three-quarter length coats hit below the knee on you.

    19. Jacket sleeves are always too long.

    20. Which means they inevitably end up torn.

    21. You've been wearing high heels since forever.

    22. Accessories sometimes overwhelm your small frame.

    23. Tights, even, are often too baggy.

    24. The darts on your dresses never quite line up right.

    25. Your jeans are constantly in your way.

    26. You step on them, with terrible results.

    27. Even leggings can be long and bunch up on you.

    28. You know you should hem your pants, but sometimes you're just like:

    29. And then there's capris.

    Too long to be worn as actual capri length, but too short to be worn like regular pants. SUPER FRUSTRATING.

    But shorties do have the upper hand on some things.

    You can always hem long pants and make them shorter. But you can't make short pants longer.

    You can shop in both the regular and petite sections, too.

    So keep your heads up, shorties!