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21 Amazingly Easy 5 Minute DIY Projects

Make your life better in five minutes flat.

1. Turn a piece of boring burlap into fancy-ass artwork.

2. Fancy up your dollar store white candles with duct tape.

3. Up your thumbtack game with button thumbtacks.

You'll have the best bulletin board in town. Here's how to do it.

4. Make an iPhone projector out of an old shoe box and a magnifying glass.

5. Make a cool AF flower stamp out of okra.

6. Create an actually-pretty dry-erase board.

7. These reed diffusers will make you seem like an actual adult.

8. Make the cutest coasters with just a little bit of acrylic paint.

9. Fake out your plants with these faux copper pots.

10. Turn a Mason jar into the most hipster-ified soap dispenser ever.

11. Make pretty inkblotted napkins.

12. Create cool-as-heck, no-sew pillows.

13. Add a sweet colorful pocket to a plain white tee.

14. How awesome are these homemade hair clips?

And if you've got another five minutes, you can turn the clip into a headband.

15. You need a DIY heating pad? You got one.

16. Make a quick and classy leather key chain.

17. And then never spend another extra second fumbling for the right key.

18. Turn a necklace into a headband like it's NBD.

19. And then make a super-cool jewelry dish to store it in.

20. Create the perfect welcoming wreath.

21. These vintage button bookmarks take no time.