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    A "Powerpuff Girls" Fashion Line Is Coming To Hot Topic And It's So Damn Cute

    Shut up and take my money.

    With a brand-new series coming soon to Cartoon Network, it's a pretty great time to be a Powerpuff Girls fan.

    And it's about to get even better, because Hot Topic is gearing up to release a Powerpuff Girls clothing collection, and it is SO. DAMN. CUTE.

    The collection includes dresses to represent each Powerpuff Girl, so you can dress up as Blossom...

    ...or Bubbles...

    ...or Buttercup.

    Don't even pretend like you haven't already figured out which Powerpuff Girls you and your friends would be. We all have.

    They're also selling this insanely adorable matching set.

    And a T-shirt and a sweatshirt.

    Because even superheroes just wanna get comfy sometimes.

    The collection will arrive in stores and online in May. Prices will range from $24.50 to $38.50.