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Here’s How To Make A Giant Jello Shot Like A Goddamn Adult

Because alcohol is fun, and sharing is not.

So, you're craving some jello shots, but you're all by your lonesome. Or maybe you just don't feel like sharing booze.

Well, fret no more! You can make a single-serving jello shot in a mug.

You'll need a few shots of vodka.

A pack of Jell-O mix in your favorite flavor.

And hot water.

Now, ensure that you are adequately prepared for the jelly.

Dissolve one packet of jello mix in hot water.

Now get psyched (and responsible!) because it's time to add ALCOHOL.

Then, pour it in your favorite mug and pop it in the fridge for a few hours till firm.

(You know what jello feels like. It's done when it feels like that.)

Top that bad boy with whipped cream.

And dig in!