Metta World Peace Bothers An Old Canadian Couple

    Leave them be, Metta!

    Metta World Peace is spending some of his off-season visiting America's kick-ass haircut, Canada. While there, and apropos of nothing, the noted crazy person tweeted that he took his picture with a "great Canadian couple of 60 years."

    Metta added, "Love It." But you know who didn't love it? That guy sitting on the bench. Here are some thoughts that were possibly running through his head:

    • What'd he say his name was? Metza? Matzah?

    • Why does he keep taking photos? This is the 8th one. Enough!

    • He's too tall to trust.

    • This would never have happened had I married Debbie Klein. She hated Canada. And basketball.

    • I should just hit him in the head. I owe James Harden that much.

    • This guy has crazy face. Just look at his face. We should get out of here before it's too late.

    • A black person? In Canada?

    But regardless of that guy's disappointment this is an adorable picture. Well done, Metta.