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    36 Ways To Celebrate Your Favorite Team Winning The World Series

    San Francisco Giants fans celebrate their team's World Series sweep on Instagram. This is what joy looks like.

    So your favorite team just won the World Series, and you need to celebrate. Well...

    1. Take a few minutes off work.

    2. Make this face.

    3. Scream.

    4. Erupt with the bar.

    5. Or just with your family.

    6. Get emotional.

    7. Dance.

    8. Turn a street into a party.

    9. Do... Um... Whatever these people are doing.

    10. Definitely make sure you have gear to show off.

    11. T-shirts work.

    12. So do hats.

    13. Kiss someone you love.

    14. Break out the champagne.

    15. Or the good scotch.

    16. Hell, binge drink.

    17. Celebrate with your mom.

    18. Or your grandma.

    19. Or your dad.

    20. Freak out.

    21. No, even more than that.

    22. Even more!

    There we go.

    23. If it's a sweep, break out the broom.

    24. Or have your grandpa break it out.

    25. Go for a ride.

    26. Gasp.

    27. Cry.

    28. Let yourself be overwhelmed.

    29. But most of all, be with your friends.

    30. Share the moment with them.

    31. Be it one person.

    32. Or a thousand.

    33. Inside.

    34. Or on the streets.

    35. Just soak it in.

    36. Because you're going to remember this moment for the rest of your life.

    Congratulations to the San Francisco Giants and their fans.

    And for everyone else? There are approximately 114 days until pitchers and catchers report for spring training.

    And things are always better in the spring.