32 Reasons Why BuzzFeed Is The Best At Softball

    We will, we will rock you!

    1. We dress for the occasion:

    2. We can pitch:

    3. We're not afraid to show the ball we mean business:

    4. We're totally awesome at bat:









    13. Our secret for awesome at bats? We wait for when the ball is not too high:

    14. And not too low:

    15. But just right:

    16. And then we'll crush it:

    17. But most importantly our hair stays fabulous no matter what:

    18. We'll outrun your throws:

    19. And get on base:

    20. Rawr!

    21. We're excellent fielders:

    22. We'll sacrifice our bodies on the slippery grass for the love of the game:

    23. And then we'll catch the ball:

    24. Get on base:

    25. And tag you out:

    26. We remember to tie our shoes:

    27. So we can run:

    28. And score runs:

    29. We have great team morale:

    30. And a supportive Uncle Jack:

    31. Who kept us going when the going got rough:

    We may have lost 27 to 7...

    32. But it's okay, because our catcher is the best: