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The Most Influential People In Pop Culture

The books you read, movies you watch, and clothes you wear are all inspired by the pioneers of pop culture. These major players helped influence entire movements of art, film, music, clothing, and stories. Edgar Rice Burroughs' amazing stories about John Carter influenced generations of writers, artists, and illustrators. In March 2012, John Carter’s image will come to life on the big screen. Learn about Burroughs and some other influential people of pop culture here.

  • Story Telling: Edgar Rice Burroughs

    Story Telling: Edgar Rice Burroughs

    Edgar Rice Burroughs was the pioneer in grand and epic story telling, and he influenced all forms of modern culture including literature, comics, TV, and cinema. He wrote several classics such as Tarzan, and his stories became a major influence for Gene Roddenberry, George Lucas, and James Cameron. In addition to Tarzan, he is also responsible for a series of books featuring the legendary character and hero, John Carter. And next spring, John Carter will be brought to life in a live action movie.

  • Fashion: Coco Chanel

    Fashion: Coco Chanel

    Coco Chanel is one of the most important figures in 20th-century fashion. Her influence as a fashion icon can be summed up in one of her most famous quotes: "Fashion passes, style remains." Chanel created a fashion revolution by using traditionally "poor man's" fabrics to create chic, yet comfortable clothing. Her designs were elegant, but they were also affordable. She also popularized wearing bathing suits and sunbathing in public, a typical activity that is very common in present day. Chanel's legacy lives today through her fashion house run by Karl Lagerfeld.

  • Music: The Beatles

    Music: The Beatles

    The Beatles were one of the most successful bands in history. Their music influenced generations of future pop stars and changed the way contemporary music was listened to and consumed. Almost every popular song you hear today is influenced by the broad spectrum of Beatles' music. They are as popular and relevant to society now as they were in the 1960s. They sold millions of albums all before the age of the internet.

  • Pop Art: Andy Warhol

    Pop Art: Andy Warhol

    Andy Warhol was one of the leading figures in the Pop Art movement. His famous prints of Campbell's Soup Cans and Marilyn Monroe changed the way viewers perceived fine art. Using the medium of screen printing as "fine art," Warhol could make multiple copies of his prints in a very short amount of time. His legacy inspired artists (traditional and non-traditional) to re-appropriate images and paved the way to modern contemporary art.

  • Film: Stanley Kubrick

    Film: Stanley Kubrick

    Stanley Kubrick was most famous for his scrupulous care of filming, his slow method of working, and the varying genres of cinema he portrayed. Many of his films initially received lukewarm reviews and only decades later were they considered to be classics. Critics either had the opinion that his works were intelligent and profound, or highly pretentious. Whatever your opinion on Kubrick's films, there is no denying the effort put forth in his works. He directed groundbreaking films such as 2001: Space Odyssey, A Clockwork Orange, and The Shining. He made only 13 films in his career, but many of them are considered classics in their genre. Trademarks 'JOHN CARTER OF MARS,' JCM Design, 'BARSOOM' and 'PRINCESS OF MARS' owned by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. and used by permission. © 2011 Disney Enterprises, Inc.