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15 Of The Frattiest Things That Have Ever Happened

If you get enough bros together, you're bound to have a good time. Whether you're on campus or off, get after it with Jimmy John's.

1. This backyard belly flop contest...

2. ...and this advanced beer pong move:

3. The house cat who helps everyone stay in shape...

4. ...and the bros who figured out an easier way to dominate at the gym:

5. This bro's shortcut to studying...

6. ...this perfectly synced-up putt...

7. ...and this guy who has the frat swagger on lockdown:

8. This epic popped-collar suit...

9. ...and this guy cruising for chicks in class:

10. This perfect solution for cooking when your gas gets shut off...

11. ...this horribly failed attempt at streaking...

12. ...and these ultimate Frisbee dudes who found a new way to open a bottle:

13. This epic, sideways hat trick...

14. ...and this bro-strike:

15. And finally, there's this guy, who knew exactly what to do when he saw a TV camera pointed his way:

Make the most of your bro time with Jimmy John's.