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This Guy Is Taking Hilariously Raunchy Photos Of Vintage Barbie

David Parise uses Photoshop and miniature sets to put vintage Barbies in some very compromising and colorful situations.

Inspiration struck when artist David Parise was living in Miami and found a book on Barbie's 50th anniversary.

"When I saw the detail in the ['60s] clothes and the vintage looks, I thought how cool they would look by the Miami Art Deco Hotels," he told BuzzFeed Life.

So he started taking pictures of the original Barbie doll and her companions and photoshopping them in front of various landmarks and historic buildings.

From there, the photos started getting a little more playful and raunchy.

"My images are hardly risqué comparing to other Barbie photographers," Parise said.

"A little naked doll butt and late-night photography, but that's the sum of it."

"All of us loved the glamorous and innocent fun lifestyle of the '60s — or at least what we imagined it to be!" he said.

Some of the photos are done with Photoshop, and others, like the interior shots and beach scenes, are done on miniature models.

"I have always wanted to photograph miniatures, and I love the '60s styling, so it was a natural," said Parise.

He started selling the photos on the streets of Miami and got such good reception from both locals and tourists that he ended up showing the photos at galleries around the country.

Now, Parise lives in NYC and sells the photos in parks around the city.

Parise has plans to get more vintage miniature sets and work with more European city backdrops, but he's not interested in any more gallery shows.

"I just love selling on the streets here in SoHo, Union Square, and my friend selling in Central Park," he said.

"It turned into a full-time business...I just never realized how much Barbie related to so many people."

To see more of his work and buy prints, visit the Barbie and Ken Photos Store.