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Take BuzzFeed's 10-Day Spring Cleaning Challenge

Learn how to clean smarter, not harder: Make your home sparkle in less than 10 minutes a day.

Let's face it: Cleaning can be a daunting task. And keeping things clean is even worse.

The BuzzFeed Spring Cleaning Challenge is here to help you break your cleaning routine down into small, easy steps. By tackling different rooms for only a few minutes at a time, keeping your home clean will start being a productive habit instead of feeling like an overwhelming chore. Best of all, these are tips you can incorporate into your daily routine all year round.

We consulted with cleaning expert Laura Dellutri and feng shui expert Karen Kingston to help you clean smarter, not harder.

We'll give you the tools and tricks you need to get your place into great shape without even breaking a sweat, and we'll break down each task into smaller pieces so that no matter how much time you have — whether it's ten minutes, five minutes, or even just one minute — you'll be able to make a difference.

Want extra tips and inspiration to help you get through every day of the challenge? Sign up now!

Here's your cleaning schedule:

And here's what you'll need:

Some overall tips to get you started:

Set a timer for the amount of time you're going to clean — you'll be surprised at how much you can actually get done in five minutes. Even better, put on your favorite song! Turn the volume up high and set your phone's sleep timer to stop playing the music after one, five, or ten minutes (depending on how much time you have). Remember: You don't need to try to deep-clean everything.

That's because this challenge isn't simply about the results — it's about creating new healthy habits for your home. "You are already there," says Leo Babauta, author of Zen Habits. "[Cleaning] is not a set of ideals to aspire to, a standard of perfection to achieve. This is a mindfulness practice, and if you are cleaning or decluttering mindfully, you have already arrived."

Oh, and if any of the steps don't apply to you (if you don't have a dishwasher, for example), just spend some extra time on one of the other steps. Or, sign up for our daily newsletter reminders to get an exclusive bonus round suggestion for each day!

And, we're off!

Congrats! You've made it all the way to the end.

And don't forget to sign up to get daily cleaning reminders, tips, and motivation in your inbox!