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    How To Make The World's Easiest DIY Pillowcase

    Spoiler: you make them out of dishtowels!

    What you'll need:

    Step 1: Make sure your dish towel is at least 2" longer than your pillow on all sides.

    Step 2: Iron the tape as close to the edge of your towel as you can.

    Step 2.5: Peel the sticker side off the tape.

    Step 3: Line the second dish towel up with the first one, and iron the seam shut on all three sides.

    Step 4: Iron your pillowcase to get all the wrinkles out.

    Step 5: Turn the pillowcase right-side out, and stick your pillow in.

    Ta Da!

    Now, all you need is a little styling and you've got yourself some brand new pillows.