17 Times Latte Art Went Way Too Far

    Some of these are NSFW, if you can believe that.

    1. These are Kim Jong Il and Kim Jong Un in cups.

    2. This is a foamy winking Putin face.

    3. This is a meticulously poured Grumpy Cat.

    4. Look closely. This is a LOTR ring.

    5. This is a 3-D giraffe.

    6. Surreal. But also very real.

    7. This is a bread clip...for some reason.

    8. This barista is just showing off.

    9. Wow. Much foam.

    10. This one is just creepy.

    11. Breaking Bad in foam form.

    12. Sherlock, of course.

    13. Just because you can doesn't mean you should.

    14. WHY.

    15. I just. Why.

    16. Bye, forever.

    17. Time to switch to tea.