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    13 Steps To Actually Make Your Career Dream A Reality

    Freelance artist Pavel Sokov went from an office job to painting a commissioned portrait for Time magazine in less than a year. He shared some tips with BuzzFeed Life on how (and when) to take the plunge.

    Pavel Sokov’s life changed forever the day he quit his stable job in marketing and moved to California to attend an art program.

    In less than a year, he went from a predictable career in a field he didn’t like, to getting a commission from Time to paint Vladimir Putin for the Person of the Year issue. Sokov spoke to BuzzFeed Life about what it took for him to finally quit his day job.

    1. Recognize when a hobby is really your passion.

    2. Don’t be discouraged by early failures.

    3. Stop waiting for contentment to find you.

    4. Reconsider your assumptions.

    5. Take risks, and know that they are risks.

    6. Take the biggest risks while you are still young.

    7. Work really, really hard.

    8. Work long hours.

    9. Don’t expect results right away.

    10. With success comes even more work.

    11. Know that success doesn’t (usually) mean stability.

    12. Learn from later failures.

    13. Prepare for your whole life to change.

    See more of Sokov's work on his website, and follow his adventures in art on Tumblr.