16 New "Game Of Thrones" Season 4 Photos!

    Jaime with short hair! Sad Jon Snow! Windswept Daenerys! Feast upon this treasure trove of new images, courtesy of HBO.

    Now that she's got her army, what's next for Khaleesi?

    Joffrey sneers and smirks. Because he's Joffrey.


    Sansa is clearly still really happy to married to Tyrion.

    But Shae is still in the picture.

    The Tyrell women make scheming look so damn good.

    If anyone can outfox The Hound, it's Arya.

    Cersei probably gave Jaime a hand to get that close a shave. ::Shivers::

    Joffrey: Always. Be. Posing.

    Meet Oberyn Martell, aka The Red Viper, and his paramour Ellaria Sand.

    Flawless. She woke up like this.

    Michiel Huisman takes over the role of Daario Naharis for Season 4.

    A Samwell Stare is comprised of 10% agreement, 30% naiveté, and 60% confusion.

    Season 4 is all about the man beneath The Hound's armor.

    Bow in hands, Ygritte and Tormund use their ginger power.

    Tywin, on a rare break from writing letters.

    Games of Thrones premieres April 6 at 9 p.m. on HBO.