Alex Salmond Strutted Into Parliament And Accidentally Became A Meme

    "When yer absolutely hammered but the bouncer still lets you in anyway."

    On Wednesday, Alex Salmond made quite an entrance to the state opening of parliament.

    Within seconds, people started adding their own captions to what's been christened The Salmond Strut.

    "When yer absolutely hammered but the bouncer still lets you in anyway."

    When yer absolutely hammered but the bouncer still lets you in anyway

    "When you're at the vending machine and it gives yer two Twixes instead of one."

    When you're at the vending machine and it gives yer two twixes instead of one

    The Strut has inspired musical captions as well, like this Manfred Mann effort.

    There she was just a-walkin' down the street singin' do-wah diddy-diddy down diddy-do

    This Shirley Bassey one.

    @journodave @JamieRoss7 The minute he walked in the joint... Paarrrrummm... I could tell he was a man of distinction

    Chesney Hawkes.

    Alex Salmond waltzing into Parliment singing his rendition of Chesney Hawkes: 'I am the one and only'...

    And Vanessa Carlton's haunting hit 1000 Miles.

    Making my way downtown, walking fast, faces pass and I'm home bound.

    Brian Alan Spanner added this ghostly bust of Alex Salmond behind the strutting former first minister.

    Ghostly apparition appears in bust as Alex Salmond enters the Commons.

    He also thought this Sound of Music remake looked "pish".

    And put him in this Bodyform tampon advert.

    Give your fanny a new lease of life woooahhoooohh Bodyform for you.

    Anyway, once again, Alex Salmond is a meme.

    @AngrySalmond The #56strut is catching on.

    Welcome back to the club.