The Definitive Ranking Of Presidents Who Look Like Their Pets

    Heel to the chief, amirite?

    16. Millie and George H.W. Bush

    Millie's a fine lookin' dog but the resemblance just isn't really there.

    15. Fala and Franklin Roosevelt

    14. Checkers and Richard Nixon

    13. Barney and George W. Bush

    Their eyes and eyebrows are kinda similar, but it's not a great match.

    12. Feller and Harry S. Truman

    Truman looks more like Feller than he probably would've cared to admit.

    11. Rex and Ronald Reagan

    Rex doesn't look like a dog that Ronald Reagan the president would own, but he does look like a dog that Ronald Reagan the actor might, so it makes a little more sense.

    10. Him and Lyndon Johnson

    9. King Tut and Herbert Hoover

    8. Tiger and Calvin Coolidge

    Neither Tiger nor Silent Cal have anything to say to you.

    7. Pushinka and John F. Kennedy

    Confident, classy, and a little sleepy-looking.

    6. Bo and Barack Obama

    This pair also wins the award for most similar names.

    5. Laddie Boy and Warren G. Harding

    President Harding is a little more stern-looking, but you can see shades of Laddie Boy in Harding's fabulous eyebrows.

    4. Liberty and Gerald Ford

    3. Buddy and Bill Clinton

    President Clinton looks nothing like Socks the cat, mainly because Socks always seemed really intense. Buddy and Clinton have the same relaxed vibe though.

    2. Heidi and Dwight Eisenhower

    Look at those stares. Piercing.

    1. Pauline Wayne the cow and William Howard Taft

    President Taft owned a cow because sometimes history is just magical.