23 Experiences All Competitive Runners Understand

    Gotta squeeze in some extra milage before this 5K.

    1. Becoming very familiar with this sign.

    2. Mastering false modesty when people are impressed with how far you run.

    3. Dealing with people who always ask if you've run a marathon.

    4. Feeling guilty watching other people go for a run while you're taking a day off.

    5. Spending a frightening amount of time waiting in line for the bathroom at races.

    6. Running big races with starts like this:

    7. Spending a ton of time on golf courses, but not a lot of time playing golf.

    8. Brooding about a bad race result.

    9. Subjecting yourself to the hell that is an ice bath.

    10. Committing all of your PRs to memory.

    11. The weird feeling of loving all your teammates to death, but still secretly wanting to beat them all.

    12. Having gross, gross toenails.

    13. Memorizing every Prefontaine quote, whether you want to or not.

    14. The agony of not being able to find a track meet on TV.

    15. Accepting that Usain Bolt is the only runner most of your friends will ever hear about.

    16. Being a bit overzealous about your friends' casual races because you want them TO WIN!

    17. Feeling like a jerk when you push your way to the start of a crowded 5K fun run.

    18. Accumulating so many free T-shirts.

    19. Squeezing into running tights instead of running on a treadmill in the winter.

    20. Having mixed feelings about Runner's World.

    21. Knowing that there's always someone out there faster than you.

    22. Running a horrible workout that makes you hate everything about this stupid sport...

    23. ...and then going on a run "for fun" the next day.