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2011 Shook Us All Year Long

There's still time for anything to happen before the new year. Let's hope 2012 is a bit more tame than 2011.

The Sly Oyster 12 years ago

Meet Michael Clancy: The Nu Thang Kid Has Been Found!

Michael Clancy is a 29-year-old lawyer in Phoenix, who's just realized he's become the latest viral sensation for his rapping "Nu Thang" clip. Seems like he's taking it all in stride and hoping for some web redemption on Tosh.0

The Sly Oyster 13 years ago

Donkey Kong Wall Shelves

This adjustable Donkey Kong shelving unit from designer Igor Chak puts all other shelves to shame.

The Sly Oyster 13 years ago

Tecmo Bowl Tattoo

Spotted at Rosenblatt Stadium in Omaha, NE. Is this the best tattoo ever or the worst? Really having a hard time deciding.

The Sly Oyster 13 years ago

Dave Chappelle Surprise Gig in Portland

Dave Chappelle surprised the city of Portland early this morning with a 1 a.m. gig at Pioneer Square. Unfortunately, 3-4K people showed up instead of the expected 200. All he had was a small amp, so most people couldn't hear a thing. Could this signal his return to stand up? [via The Sly Oyster]

The Sly Oyster 14 years ago

The Ferrari Guy's Limo Service

Obviously at $300/hour, Chicago's the Ferrari Guy was nice enough to throw in some sweet, sweet guitar licks and escort you around the city with a power mullet. Conversation not included.

The Sly Oyster 14 years ago

The Beastie Boys Invented the Vulcan Nerve Pinch

Because of a small decision by director J.J. Abrams, in the new Star Trek universe the Beastie Boys are either prophets heralding the birth of Mr. Spock or they were responsible for creating the Vulcan Nerve Pinch. No one's mentioned this and it's awesome either way.

The Sly Oyster 14 years ago

Floating Iceberg Climbing Wall and Slide

My childhood playing on bouncy castles seems inadequate in comparison to this 20-foot tall toy. Anyone have $5,500 and a lake to make summer 2009 awesome?

The Sly Oyster 15 years ago

The Red House

At The Red House black and white people come together to buy furniture, which if this is real, makes you wonder what happens at the other North Carolina furniture stores.

The Sly Oyster 15 years ago

Che Wearing Che

The Onion finally takes down the overused and pointless Che image. "This scarcely seen inconic image dates back to 1958, shortly after revolutionary Ernesto "Che" Guevara freed thousands from the restrictive yoke of T-shirt selection." Best T-shirt ever. The end. [via]

The Sly Oyster 15 years ago

Steve Martin's Business Card

I don't know whether or not this is legit, but that doesn't make it any less awesome.

The Sly Oyster 15 years ago

Jello Pudding Pop Your Computer

Looking for a more fashionable way to protect your laptop? Well why not pony up $20 for a sweater cover? Davey Sommers repurposes old sweaters and gives them that jello pudding pop touch turning them into sweaters for your laptop. This should be dubbed the iCosby for shear marketing genius, but then I guess pc'ers would be feeling the cold shoulder.

The Sly Oyster 15 years ago

The World According to Americans

It's funny because it's sad and slightly true in a generic, stereotyped kind of way. But mostly because Africa isn't even on the map. [via The Sly Oyster]

The Sly Oyster 15 years ago

Evolution of the Batman Logo

Watch the Batman logo mutate over forty years. Fascinating from a cultural standpoint, but also from a design aesthetics one, as well. You really get a sense of how things became sleeker through the decades.

The Sly Oyster 15 years ago

Screw You Joe the Plumber, I'm Going With This Guy

I don't know much about pluming, except that Joe the Plumber needs to go. Can this plumber, with his deft sense of humor, replace Joe as the plumbing zeitgeist?

The Sly Oyster 15 years ago