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    This Guy Built A TARDIS In His House And We're Totally Jealous

    Is this real life? Please say yes!

    Ever want to have a party inside the TARDIS console room with all your friends?

    Well, there's a guy who can help with that.

    Jayman White is from the countryside of Sunshine Coast Australia.

    Jayman told BuzzFeed Life, he's been a fan of Doctor Who since he was 10 years old.

    He built his console room when he was 18 (he's now 22).

    It took a year to finish in between working overtime at a cheese factory and a busy social life.

    He says the hardest part to create was the ceiling unit.

    Some of the gadgets on the control panel are over 50 years old.

    While most people say how impressed they are with the whole thing...

    Others tell him it's overwhelming and just want to play around with the controls.

    You can see all the pictures here, as well as check out videos from the control room on his YouTube page.