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12 Ridiculous Holiday Gifts You Probably Don't Want

Of course, odds are you'll probably end up with at least one of these gems. And if you do, don't worry. Simply post them on Jack Daniel's website and maybe win yourself an amazing holiday sled.

1. Ostrich Pillow:

2. Movie Maze Game:

3. Deer Rear Bottle Opener:

4. Roswell Soil Sample:

5. Muffin Tops Baking Cups:

6. Electric Skates:

All the benefits of skates without any of the effort.

7. Call Me Gloves:

Look like a mime taking a phone call while taking an actual call.

8. Tear-Free Onion Glasses:

9. Laughing Asparagus Stone Sculpture:

10. Drinking Horn:

No one ever said drinking like a viking was going to be practical.

11. Doll Head Votives:

12. Flying Fairy in a Jar:

Perfect for keeping something beautiful trapped and flailing by your side.

If you've received a gift that belongs on this list, upload a pic for a chance to win a Jack Daniel’s holiday sled: