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Yukon Conservative Ryan Leef Isn't Too Happy His Sign Was Defaced To Read "Ryan Queef"

Where does this Ryan Queef stand on the issues?

Yukon Conservative candidate Ryan Leef is once again the victim of creative sign defacement.

For those who don't know...

What is a queef?

"Most people have probably heard about or experienced the strange occurrence known as a 'queef.' It is a fart-like sound that can occur while making love. Queefing is also known as varting, pussy farting, and fanny farting — among other names.

"These names can be, and often are, very misleading. A queef is simply an expulsion of air from the vagina. It is usually odorless because it is not a byproduct of waste in the body. Queefing is a common and natural experience. It is nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about."

See? Nothing to be ashamed about!

Facebook: video.php

But Ryan Leef is still not happy about having his signs defaced.

"Yukoners who are tired of this kind of behaviour and interference with our democratic process, just join Team Leef and stand up and tell everybody you're tired of this," he said.

This isn't an isolated incident. In late August, Leef and a friend placed a woman under citizen's arrest after catching her cutting his name out of campaign signs.