18 Life-Changing Style Tips Taught To Us By "Fear Street"

    You should never be afraid of fashion.

    1. A simple sweater and knee-length skirt will make a good impression in any new situation.

    2. It is not a faux pas to wear sunglasses at night.

    3. But it is a faux pas to dress matchy-matchy with holidays.

    4. Stay away from bright, pastel-colored denim jackets. They won't win you any fans.

    5. Every body is a beach body! Even a dead one.

    6. Test your lipstick out by scrawling it menacingly on a mirror.

    7. Test out your new style on a drawing of your significant other, your real one won't care.

    8. Don't let anyone shame you from showing off a little leg in a deserted park in the middle of the night.

    9. Never sleep in the nude, unless you want to put on a show for visiting ghosts.

    10. The perfect sleepwear is a men's collared shirt.

    11. Blossom, but make it fashion.

    12. A little blood goes a long way to show spirit during sporting events.

    13. Capes should only be worn when fleeing through a cemetery.

    14. Embrace wearing the same thing as your friends to accentuate your #squad.

    15. Tia and/or Tamera should be your ultimate fashion goals.

    16. When moonbathing, wearing white will attract the most desirable vampire bats.

    17. It's not worth spending your entire paycheck on a fashion. Shop thrift stores!

    18. But always splurge on an expensive swimming suit, because YOLO.