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13 Questions We Want Answered By The Mars Curiosity Rover

Still curious? At the Intel Experience located in participating Best Buy stores during this holiday season, you can use augmented reality to explore the surface of Mars.

1. What is your favorite color?

2. What kind of music do you like on Mars?

3. Is change inevitable?

4. Can you finish this sentence? "Domo arigato ___ _________."

5. What’s the one thing you don’t miss about Earth?

6. What are the three laws of robotics?

7. Do you have any friends?

8. What's your guilty pleasure?

9. Are men REALLY from Mars?

10. What’s the best pick-up line you’ve ever heard?

11. Has Saturn given you a ring?

12. Any advice to those traveling to Mars in the future?

13. What do you like to do when you're bored?

Pretend you're on the surface of Mars with Curiosity this holiday season with the Intel Experience's augmented reality found at select Best Buys.