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11 Signs You Don't Want To Say Goodbye To The 2000s

You would never say goodbye to your best friends, right? But technology moves pretty fast. So stay up to date with one of the most recent innovations in tech — the Intel-powered 2 in 1.

1. You're still agonizing over who to put in your Top 8.

2. Your S.O. is kind of getting sick of the mixed CDs you're still making them.

3. You just love the satisfying feeling of snapping your cell phone open.

4. You love BBMing with your boo.

5. And you've still got that midi ringtone crankin'.

6. It took you hours to download your favorite album on your ethernet connection...

...but you've at least said goodbye to the sweet sounds of dial-up (for now).

7. You can't wait to get home every night to hop online and talk to your LiveJournal friends.

8. You don't know how you ever waited in line before without Snake on your phone.

9. You're afraid to ask why everyone is putting those ~pound signs~ in front of random words on the internet.

10. You'd like to know who this "Wi-Fi" fellow is who everyone is campaigning to free.

11. And you still feel devastated when you stay at work late and miss your favorite TV show.

Step into modernity and versatility with an Intel-powered 2 in 1 device. A tablet when you need it. A laptop when you want it.