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13 Animals Who Probably Went A Little Too Hard Last Night

Don't be these animals. They don't even want to be themselves right now. Instead, be proud of your #InnerShaq by visiting

1. This goat who woke up with cotton mouth:

2. This dog who just realized how much he charged at the bar:

3. These cats who want you to turn the lights off immediately:

4. This cat who just realized there are five more hours in the workday:

5. This cat who didn't heed the warning to eat before drinking:

6. This dog who woke up in the bushes:

7. This dog who always tells himself he's never drinking again:

8. This kitty who took YOLO too far:

9. This cat who NEEDS carbs immediately:

10. This cat who doesn't understand space and time anymore:

11. This boozy pooch who didn't drink enough water before bed:

12. This pug who doesn't even like going out:

13. This dog, pre-coffee:

And this dog post-coffee:

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