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11 Tips Every Parent Needs This Halloween

No tricks, just treats. And no kid ever said no to decorating their meals with their treats, particularly now that Scary Face Pancakes are back at IHOP®. Restrictions apply.

1. Plan your route in advance.

2. Stick to well-lit areas and main streets.

3. Know which houses to skip.

4. Set up group activities for both fun and safety.

5. Wear at least one reflective item.

6. Use a festive pumpkin bucket instead of a pillowcase.

7. Don't suffer for fashion.

8. Have the kids say "thank you" at every house.

9. Don't make swaps you (but especially your kid) will regret.

10. Examine the goods before letting your kids eat 'em.

11. Don't overdo it.

Besides, the kids've gotta save room for Scary Face Pancakes at IHOP!

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